Chapter 7 Grammar

  1. 恰巧by chance, happen to
  1. 我要出去玩, 恰巧開始下雨了
  2. 我要去找我的朋友玩, 恰巧太才剛到我的家找我玩

  1. 只好have to
  1. 我的車被偷走了, 只好騎腳踏車去上學
  2. 我的衣服弄張了, 只好丟掉了

  1. 不是….就是either .. or; if not A..then B
不是.. 就是” denotes a choice between two possibilities

  1. 每一天我不是在吃東西就是在睡覺
  2. 他不是在更朋友玩就是在玩電動玩具

  1. 除了… (以外) besides; apart from
除了..(以外)” indicates an exception when it is followed by “” in the second clause, but when it is followed by “” or “”, it is equivalent to “in addition to” or “besides” in English

  1. 除了香菇以外, 我什麼都喜歡吃
  2. 除了我的妹妹以外, 我的家人都長得很高

  1. but
” is often used after the subject of the second clause of a sentence. Like “可是” or “但是 it indicates a contrastive situation, but is used more often in writing

  1. 有很多飯, 我卻吃不完
  2. 外面很冷, 我卻沒穿很多衣服

  1. 即使/還是even if
即使” is used with “/還是” to express a hypothetical situation concession

  1. 即使外面很熱, 我還是穿一件厚的上衣
  2. 即使他不想看我, 我還是要去他的房子更他講話

  1. 大都” and “大多數” most of; mostly
大都” is an adverb. It can only be followed by a verb, adjective, or “” It cannot be followed by  nouns. “大多數” can be followed by a verb, adjective, or “” It can also be followed by nouns.

a. 我的家人大都有上大學

b. 現在的汽車大都開得很快