Confucius Summaries

Roger's Quote: 有朋自遠方來,不奕悅乎。
Simplified: 有朋自远方来,不奕悦乎
Pinyin: you3 peng2 zi4 yuan3 fang1 lai2 bu4 yi4 yue4 hu1
English: When a friend visits from afar, it is a happy time

Hansen's Quote: 三人行,必有我師。

Simplified: 叁人行,必有我师
Pinyin: an1ren2xing2bi4you3wo3shi1
English: In a group of three people, there will always be one person I can learn from

Kevin's Quote: 見賢思齊焉;見不賢而內自省也。

Simplified - 见贤思齐焉;见不贤而内自省也
Pinyin - jian4 xian2 si1 qi2 yan1 jian4 bu4 xian2 er2 nei4 zi4 xing3 ye3
English: When you meet someone better than you, try to become his/her equal. When you meet someone not as good, look into yourself and see if you do the same things.

Jimmy's Quote:不聞不若聞之聞之不若見之見之不若知之知之不若行之學至於行之而止矣。

Simplified - 不闻不若闻之闻之不若见之见之不若知之知之不若行之学至于行之而止矣
Pinyin - bu4 wen2 bu4 ruo4 wen2 zhi1 wen2 zhi1 bu4 ruo4 jian4 zhi1 jian4 zhi1 bu4 ruo4 zhi1 zhi1 zhi1 zhi1 bu4 ruo4 xing2 zhi1 xue2 zhi4 yu2 xing2 zhi1 er2 zhi3 yi3
English: Hearing about something is better than not hearing about it. Seeing something is better than hearing about it. Knowing something is better than seeing it. Actually doing something is better than knowing it.

Amanda’s Quote: 學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。

Simplified: 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆
Pinyin - xue2 er2 bu4 si1 ze2 wang3 si1 er2 bu4 xue2 ze2 dai4
English: He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.

Denise's Quote: 工欲善其事﹐必先利其器
simplified: 工欲善其事﹐必先利其器
pinyin: gong1yu4shan4qi2shi4, bi4xian1li4qi2qi4.
English: If a person wants to do a job well, he needs to sharpen his tools
first. In other words, you need to prepare to do a job well.